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The Setonian

Day Six of Spring Practice

Auburn, Ala. (EETV) – Auburn had its sixth practice of spring ball Tuesday afternoon. Some new developments came after practice from head coach Gus Malzahn, receiver Ryan Davis, receiver Eli Stove and defensive lineman Marlon Davidson. The quarterback competition became narrower as two competitors are no longer in the running.

Tommy Tuberville as the Tubernator

Opinion: Tuberville or Tubernator?

What do Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, and Tommy Tuberville have in common, besides a special place in my heart? They all ran for Governor, kind of. Tommy hasn't officially started yet but its close enough where I have decided it will happen for several reasons. First off he's a football coach... in Alabama... in the south... a FOOTBALL coach. Need I say more? He is also a republican... in Alabama... in the south... a REPUBLICAN coach. I think I like his chances.


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