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SGA Treasurer Candidate Profile: Dixon Simmons

Auburn, Ala.(EETV)- Dixon Simmons believes that more people need to be educated on the Student Government Association Treasurer. Simmons, from Birmingham, Al, majoring in accounting and minoring in finance, says that people should know how the money is allocated to the different student organizations on campus. 

"A lot of students are unaware of how their money is allocated/spent and I hope to change that during this campaign."

Simmons is involved with the Budget and Finance Committee with the SGA. "Through those experiences I’ve come to love the budget and finance process, I decided I still want to be involved in that process so I felt like treasurer was the best way to do that.”

Moreover, he is currently a member of the Farmhouse Fraternity. Giving me another solid group of guys that I am able to surround myself with, get guys that encourage, that always lift me up, whenever when I’m down.” It’s giving me a solid group of people that will support me in everything that I do.”

Simmons believe that having good relationships with the students are key to enhancing and increasing the involvement and activities in the Auburn community. 

"For the [Auburn] family to be a real community, I think the sense of relationships are essential and the relationships are going to last a lifetime."