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Eagle Eye's Logan Hurston breaks down proposed Amendment 10 to the Alabama State Constitution on the ballot this midterm election.

Eye on the Midterms 2022: Proposed Amendment 10

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- Eagle Eye's Logan Hurston breaks down proposed Amendment 10 to the Alabama State Constitution on the ballot this midterm election.

Proposed Amendment 10 concerns making overarching adjustments to and reorganizing the Alabama State Consitution. The motion proposes reorganizing the constitution into "proper articles, parts, and sections" as well as "removing racist language, deleting duplicate and repealed provisions, consolidating provisions regarding economic development" and "arranging all local amendments by county of application".

If the proposal is passed, the 10th Amendment would bring all the other amendments passed on this election's ballot into the Constitution recompiled rather than adding them onto the end.


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