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Peter Taliaferro

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NEWS 12/4/18 11:41am

Auburn MBA program receives third place in National Case Competition

Auburn, Ala. (EETV) - In a statement released by the university, Auburn’s MBA program received third place in a two-day competition against some of the nation’s top graduate business programs in the 12th Annual National MBA Case Competition in Ethical Leadership. Students Julia Domanico, Veronica Elder, Francisca Norregard and Caroline Harrell represented Auburn, earning the student team $1,000. The competition required students to formulate recommendations to present to judges in 24 hours based on cases assigned on the first day.

NEWS 11/14/18 11:57am

Auburn University President Steven Leath appointed to APLU

Auburn, Ala. - Auburn University announced in a statement that President Steven Leath has been appointed to the Secretary of the Council of Presidents of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). The ALPU is a policy organization that represents and advocates for the 239 public and land-grant institutions.

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