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Eagle Eye's Cameron Kasprzak breaks down proposed Amendment 6 to the Alabama State Constitution on the ballot this midterm election.

Eye on the Midterms 2022: Proposed Amendment 6

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- Eagle Eye's Cameron Kasprzak breaks down proposed Amendment 6 to the Alabama State Constitution on the ballot this midterm election.

Proposed Amendment 6 would provide cities and towns with the ability to use ad-valorem taxes, or special property taxes that they are already allowed to collect, towards a "pay-as-you-go" system to fund capital projects, such as new construction, and repay bonds rather than going in debt.

An earlier amendment to the Alabama State Consitution requires around 40 municipalities within the state to spend that revenue to pay off debt. This proposed amendment would resolve that restriction and allow major cities such as Huntsville and Birmingham to pay for projects without borrowing money.

If a majority of voters vote yes for proposed Amendment 6, the "pay-as-you-go" system will be allowed. There is no anticipated cost to proposed Amendment 6.


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