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Ever-Given Ship set free from Suez Canal after being stuck for six days

Egypt (EETV)- The Suez Canal crisis might soon be finished after officials in Egypt have reported that the Ever Given is freed from the shoreline and is now floating in the Suez Canal. The ship had been stuck for six days and had blocked other ships from passing through.

Crews worked all day and night over the course of the six days to break the stern away from the shoreline. Difficult tides during the previous week made it difficult for them to work, but with a full moon on Sunday night, the crew had the perfect

The ship was freed around 3pm local time on Monday afternoon and was videoed on Twitter blowing their horn to celebrate being freed from the shoreline.

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt celebrated the moment on Twitter sayhing, “Egyptians have succeeded today in ending the crisis of the stuck ship in the Suez Canal despite the great complexities surrounding this situation in every aspect.”

Despite the ship being back in the water, it could take several days before the canal is able to be passed through. Many boats have had to take alternate routes around Africa to get to Europe and the Mediterranean Sea.


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