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Au Bon Pain’s employee Ayse Bilgili expressing thanks for students dining on campus with a free treat at checkout.

Au Bon Pain’s employee Ayse Bilgili expressing thanks for students dining on campus with a free treat at checkout.

Customer Appreciation Day thanks students for eating on campus with free treats

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - In celebration of Customer Appreciation Day, Auburn students will find on-campus dining locations giving away free treats throughout the day.

Where all Auburn students are required to have a meal plan, on-campus eaters will find today to be a little sweeter.

In celebration of Customer Appreciation Day, Auburn University’s Tiger Dining is expressing thanks for students eating on campus by offering free treats with their purchase.

On campus eaters will find upon checkout the free treat packaged in blue is a marshmallow and crispy rice sweet.

On campus dining employees are thankful for the students who choose to make eating on campus part of their daily routine.

Students will find Ayse Bilgili, a friendly employee at Au Bon Pain to be handing the sweets out with a smile.

“We want to thank Auburn students… today we thank you for you!” 


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