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aubie tryouts

Aubie tryouts being held by SGA

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - This coming week, the Student Government Association’s tryouts for the role of Aubie the Tiger will officially begin with the first round of information sessions. 

Aubie the Tiger is Auburn University's beloved mascot. He is present at all of Auburn’s major games, cheering for the team and boosting the University's morale. He also plays a role in daily campus life, appearing at various events and greeting students on their walk to classes. Because of how beloved the character of Aubie is, the competition to assume his role is fierce. 

To try out for the role of Aubie the Tiger, applicants must attend one of the information sessions held by the SGA. These sessions will cover all of the necessary information to make the most out of this opportunity. The first two will be held on Tuesday, February 13, and Wednesday, February 14 respectively. Both will be held in the Melton Student Center and last one hour. 

To avoid confusion, it is important to note that the information sessions across the two days will be held in different rooms and at different times. The Information session on Tuesday will be held at 10 AM in room 2310. The session on Wednesday will be held at 3 PM in room 2109. 

For more information on Aubie tryouts and information sessions, visit:

Feb 13: 


Feb 14:  


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