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2024's SGA and Miss Auburn winners

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Congratulations to this year's newly elected SGA and Miss Auburn major candidates.

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Congratulations to the 2024 newly elected SGA and Miss Auburn representatives. Here is a breakdown of the top four winners of the evening:

President: Jack Hilton

Hilton is a senior majoring in finance. Within SGA, Hilton has previously served as at-large senator, cabinet assistant director and a freshman forum member.

"It is truly humbling to represent the people in my life that mean the most to me," said Hilton. "My goals center around listening to the stories that make the Auburn family feel special."

Hilton plans to allow all students to succeed and experience Auburn the same way he has through his college career. He hopes to help perpetuate in his new role an environment where all students can leave campus proud to be a part of the Auburn family and have the ability to excel in their careers.

His first actions after entering his new office will be focused on leading SGA to start enacting change.

"We want to be really aggressive in turning over SGA and hit the ground running," Hilton said.

Vice President: Cara Herring

Herring is a junior majoring in biomedical sciences. Before becoming Vice President, Herring spent the last two years serving as a student senator for both her college and as a senator-at-large. Herring plans to continue advocating on behalf of students to promote individuality during her term. 

The platform she ran on covered communication, collaboration, and cultivation. She will focus on identifying and improving issues faced by Auburn students, growing relations between the student senate and other student organizations and developing relationships between students and senators.

"It is my goal that as vice president, the student senate will become an active resource available to students and a body that delivers palpable, positive change to campus," said Herring.

Herring's intimate experience with the student senate is what she believes led her to her new role.

"It was two years ago on this night that I was first elected to become a senator and it was a transformative experience for me," Herring said.

Treasurer: Will Goodner

Goodner is a junior majoring in finance. He has previously worked with the SGA ring team.

With his new position he plans to grow the overall financial success of students through financial literacy, scholarships, and jobs. He aims to maximize scholarships, simplify the application process for them and ensure that every Auburn student has the opportunity to obtain on or off campus jobs throughout his term.

The Treasurer-Elect was asked about his first steps upon entering into his new role, stressed that he plans to make sure that his name is one that is remembered.

"I'm going to work my hardest every single day. I don't want this position to disappear," said Goodner.

Miss Auburn: Grace Crim

Crim is a junior at Auburn University majoring in pre-medicine and pre-medical studies.

"Looking back on my time here at Auburn I am reminded of the incredible people and experiences it has brought me," said Crim.

Her platform was centered around allowing students to find their place at Auburn through making connections and forming relationships. Her term will be dedicated to creating a place for more mentorship opportunities within their majors, organizations, and personal interests. She believes increased open communication and transparency between students and faculty will benefit students. 

The newly crowned Miss Auburn was given the chance to address her supporters, and was unable to share anything but love to those who voted for her.

"Thank you, I love you and this is really a special place," Crim said.


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