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2024's SGA and Miss Auburn nominees

AUBURN, Ala (EETV) - Student Government Association elections are coming up this Friday, and the nominees discussed their platforms and goals for this upcoming year.

AUBURN, Ala (EETV) - Student Government Association elections are coming up this Friday, and the nominees discussed their platforms and goals for this upcoming year. Students will vote on the positions for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Miss Auburn.

Take a look at the platforms of those in the running. 


Jack Hilton


Jack Hilton is a senior majoring in finance. For SGA, Hilton has served as at-large senator, cabinet assistant director and a freshman forum member.

"It is truly humbling to represent the people in my life that mean the most to me," said Hilton. "My goals center around listening to the stories that make the Auburn family feel special."

Hilton wants to allow all students to succeed and experience Auburn the same way he has through his college career. He hopes all students can leave campus proud to be a part of the Auburn family and have the ability to excel in their careers. 

Vice President

Cara Herring


Cara Herring is a junior majoring in biomedical sciences. She spent the last two years serving as a student senator for her college and at large. Herring plans to continue advocating on behalf of students to promote individuality.

"The student senate has been a cornerstone of my Auburn experience," said Herring. 

Her platform covers communication, collaboration, and cultivation. She plans to focus on identifying and improving issues faced by Auburn students, growing relations between the student senate and other student organizations and developing relationships between students and senators.

"It is my goal that as vice president, the student senate will become an active resource available to students and a body that delivers palpable, positive change to campus," said Herring.


Ainsley Neil


Ainsley Neil is a junior finance and business analytics major. She is currently the vice president of the college of business and has worked as her sorority's executive treasurer.

Neil's platform highlights allocation, accountability, and advocacy. Neil plans to focus on advancing the financial landscape of of the university to a student centered and focused budgetary environment. She wants to demonstrate the importance of strategic resource allocation, putting student body needs first, and standing up for those whose voices aren't heard.

"I am excited for the opportunity to represent Auburn as SGA treasurer, and I hope that we can all work together to advance the financial landscape and welfare of our beloved university for generations to come," said Neil. 

Jonavin Smith


Jonavin Smith is a junior studying finance and interdisciplinary studies. He has previously worked with SGA as a senator of the College of Liberal Arts and as a member on the freshman forum.

"I want to bring bold yet practical solutions to this role," said Smith. 

Smith aims to incorporate Quizlet Plus into the student activity fee for all enrolled students. After speaking with fellow students, Smith plans to advocate for a low commitment personal finance class to prepare students for post graduation. He also aims to start an Instagram page that informs students about financial alerts including e-bills, leasing, avoiding credit cards, and other student matters.

Will Goodner


Will Goodner is a junior majoring in finance. Goodner worked with SGA's ring team.

He plans to grow the overall financial success of students through financial literacy, scholarships, and jobs. He plans to maximize scholarships, simplify the application process for them, and ensure that every Auburn student has the opportunity to obtain on or off campus jobs.

"I would work to make sure students are confident in their ability to manage money both during and beyond college," said Goodner.

Miss Auburn

Alexxia Carter


Alexxia Carter is a junior communications and psychology major. She works with the Black Student Union as assistant director of unity week as well as risk manager for her sorority.

Carter plans to advocate for better mental health services, student worker accommodations, building accessibility, recruitment of minority communities, and more merit based scholarships. She also plans to support a 'swipe-out hunger program' to donate unused swipes and dining dollars to a ticket pool for those who need them.

"Through these invitations, we can create an even more compassionate and well-rounded Auburn community," said Carter.

Abbie Starr


Abbie Starr is a junior majoring in animal science.

The goal of Starr's platforms is to connect each student with the community available for them. Her platform focuses on three points – community, giving students the opportunity to surround themselves with people of similar interests; connect, connect the city of Auburn to the campus in a way that benefits students; and collaborate, work to foster international relationships between students, staff, and alumni.

"I have witnessed firsthand how powerful the community at Auburn can be," said Starr. "It is incredibly tangible and something that proves that if you love Auburn it will love you back."

Claire Congo


Claire Congo is a junior majoring in Nutrition science with a pre-dentistry concentration and a double minor in leadership and business.

Congo plans to enhance the community of international students. Her wants equal access to resources and build a community that cares to create unity in the Auburn family that lasts a lifetime.

"If given the opportunity to be Miss Auburn, I am eager to serve and work toward these goals, and I am expectant of what the future holds," said Congo.

Grace Crim


Grace Crim is a junior at Auburn University majoring in pre-medicine and pre-medical studies.

"Looking back on my time here at Auburn I am reminded of the incredible people and experiences it has brought me," said Crim.

Her platform is centered around allowing students to find their place at Auburn through making connections and forming relationships. She wants to create a place for more mentorship opportunities within their majors, organizations, and personal interests. She believes increased open communication and transparency between students and faculty will benefit students. 

"I hope to show prospective students that no matter where they're from or what they're looking to pursue, their place can be found at Auburn too," said Crim.

Lily Pounders


Lily Pounders is a junior majoring in biomedical sciences with a leadership minor. Her focus is pre-medicine and pre-medical studies. 

"Students move to Auburn each year often desiring at least one person to tell them they are not alone; to tell them that they are more than capable; simply to tell them what organizations they could join," said Pounders.

Pounder values mentorship within the Auburn community as a main focus for her platform. She wants a space for older students, faculty, and alumni to mentor incoming freshman and sophomores. She believes this will further equip students to excel in education, service, their careers, and their lives.

"The Auburn family will be stronger," said Pounders. "Honesty and truthfulness will foster deep relationships."