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Auburn SGA Logo

2024 SGA Elections: Campaign Registration Opens

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) -Campaign registration for the Student Government Association elections opened Wednesday, November 8th, 2023. This SGA election cycle will take place in late January to late February 2024. 

SGA elections include several major and minor candidate positions. Major candidates include SGA President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Miss Auburn. 

SGA is made up of three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Major SGA candidates serve on the Executive Branch of SGA as Executive Officers. John David Jones currently serves as the 2023-2024 SGA President, Julianne Jones serves as Vice President, and Ashton Dickinson as Treasurer.

In addition to the Executive Officers, Miss Auburn is a major candidate as well. Nominations for Miss Auburn will close on November 16, 2023, at 4:45 p.m. All candidates must be nominated in order to run for Miss Auburn. 

Minor candidates include SGA Senators and Executive Student Council Officers, who may also register to run campaigns at this time. 

SGA will be hosting an interest meeting for students who wish to register a campaign. This meeting with be an opportunity to engage with the SGA Elections team and current elected SGA members. Students will learn more about elections, and the campaign process, and ask questions. The interest meeting will be on November 13,  2023, at 6 p.m. in the Melton Student Center. 

To learn more about SGA and the various elected positions, visit the SGA website where you can find the SGA Code of Laws. 


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