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Beat Bama Food Drive partners with Auburn organizations to fundraise

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Since 1994, Auburn University has partnered with the Food Bank of East Alabama to help fight poverty while challenging the University of Alabama and the Food Bank of West Alabama to fight poverty in the state's western side.

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Since 1994, Auburn University has partnered with the Food Bank of East Alabama to help fight poverty while challenging the University of Alabama and the Food Bank of West Alabama to fight poverty in the state's western side.

Since its inception, both universities have raised nine million pounds of food while competing for the food fight trophy.  

“Last year, Auburn had collected a little over 500,000 pounds of food," said Michael Morais, a sophomore at Auburn University and the Director of Community for the fundraiser. 

Last week, the Beat Bama Food Drive kicked off its most significant week of the drive, 'Break the Bank Week.'  

The University Program Council, Phi Delta Theta, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon contributed to Push Week this year. 

Phi Delta Theta kicked off the week with a 3v3 basketball tournament at their fraternity house, charging $10 per team. 

"We had about 50 people participate in this event," said Will Banks, president of the Phi Delta Theta. 

To close the 'Break the Bank' week, Sigma Alpha Epsilon hosted a cookout with live music. 

"It is really cool to see how many members we get every year and see how committed and involved they are. It is really like a family, and the more you put in, the more you get out of it," said Morais.  

If you want to contribute to the Beat Bama Food Drive, visit


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