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Samuel Ginn College of Engineering

Six Auburn students awarded safety scholarships

Six Auburn University students have been awarded through the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). 

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Six Auburn University students have been awarded through the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). 

Five of the students who received this award were a part of the Auburn University Department of Industrial and System Engineering (ISE). The scholarship total was $25,000 for the students. 

The students are currently members of the ASSP chapter at Auburn University. “[I felt] grateful at the same time because it acknowledged my achievement in research and leadership for the past few years,”said Lucie Outlaw, who was awarded the ASSP Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship was funded by Marcella and Michael Thompson, which Outlaw thanked for their generosity. 

Outlaw also talked about the significance of the scholarship. “I am very motivated to make a positive impact and contribute to this field,” she said. “While it acknowledges what I have done in the past, it also encourages me to improve myself in the future. This scholarship is more than just a financial support but also inspiration and encouragement.” 

Bob Sesek, ISE doctoral student, was awarded an ASSP Foundation Scholarship, funded by Carole and James Stevens in memory of Steven F. Kane. Kane was a cyclist who died in a bicycle accident in 2012 by a man charged with driving high on methadone and without a license. This is Sesek’s third consecutive year he’s been awarded this scholarship.  

“I feel that Steve and I would be kindred spirits in our approach to both safety and life in general,” he said. “I am an avid cyclist, as was Steve, and enjoy riding for both pleasure and as my primary means of travel to Auburn for my research and teaching responsibilities and I just crossed 4,000 miles on my current bicycle. The ASSP scholarship helped me to attend the ASSP Safety Conference and purchase new saddlebags for my bicycle. Every day that I load my bike to go to Auburn, I am thankful for Steve’s gift.” 

Ivan Neil, Emmanuel Winful, Victoria Ballard, and Allison Short also received scholarships.  


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