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POLL: Miss Homecoming Candidates 2023

Take a look at this year's Miss Homecoming candidates, and take Eagle Eye's unofficial poll.

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Take a look at this year's Miss Homecoming candidates, and take Eagle Eye's unofficial poll.

The 2023 top 5 Miss Homecoming Candidates share their platforms with Eagle Eye TV.

Ellie Korotky:

Korotky’s motto, "Encourage with Ellie" is rooted in her devotion to advocating for those with Down Syndrome. At a young age, her cousin, Eleanor, was born with Down Syndrome, and she inspired Korotky to encourage awareness, acceptance, and advocacy. 

The 2023 top 5 Miss Homecoming Candidates share their platforms with Eagle Eye TV.

Hannah Kelley:

Kelley, a senior from Birmingham, spends her time volunteering at Our House Ministry and Mercy Medical Clinic. She is highlighting Auburn’s outreach programs as well as local volunteer organizations as well as advocating for Auburn to provide course credit to those who spend time volunteering through her platform, “Kinder with Kelley.”

The 2023 top 5 Miss Homecoming Candidates share their platforms with Eagle Eye TV.

Isabella Weyerman:

Weyerman plans to provide the Auburn family with resources for career preparation to assist students in planning for their futures. Her motto, “Wise with Weyerman” comes from her personal path and her dedication to helping other students find theirs.

The 2023 top 5 Miss Homecoming Candidates share their platforms with Eagle Eye TV.

Kate Shackelford:

Shackelford is a third generation Auburn student who plans to promote self-confidence and self-awareness for students through the RAD self-defense program, a physical education program which provides self defense skills to students. “Be Heard with Shackelford” defines her plan to encourage students to take advantage of Auburn’s resources and increase funding to the RAD program.

The 2023 top 5 Miss Homecoming Candidates share their platforms with Eagle Eye TV.

Loren Lindsey:

Lindsey’s platform, “Lean on Lindsey” advocates for low income, international, out of state, and homeless students during the housing crisis. She understands that this is a reality for many students and wants to support those who need it. 

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