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auburn oaks

The oaks at Toomer's Corner.

Auburn University announces two more trees on Toomer's corner can be rolled

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Auburn University announces that fans can now roll two trees on Toomer's Corner now. The trees have had enough time to grow and can now withstand rolling and the cleaning process the university said.

"The rolling of Toomer’s Corner is one of the nation’s top sports traditions,” Auburn President Christopher B. Roberts said. “Our fans have come together for decades on the corner of Magnolia and College to celebrate our big wins. In recent years, we continued our cherished tradition by rolling different trees, but I am very excited that the Auburn Family will once again be able to roll our most prominent trees.”

The original Auburn Oaks were planted between 1937 and 1939 then were removed in 2013 after being poisoned in 2010. Two oaks were planted in 2015 but had to be removed after one had fire damage. The newest trees were planted in February of 2017 and the University asked for them to not be rolled.

The trees are now established enough for the rolling to begin.

“We knew from the beginning it was a huge request to ask our fans to not roll the two new Auburn Oaks at Toomer’s Corner,” said Justin Sutton, director of Facilities Management Landscape Services. “We knew this short-term request would reap long-term benefits in upholding one of the best collegiate athletic traditions of rolling Toomer’s Corner. The long-term establishment, overall health and projected long life of these trees was our goal from the beginning. With the help of the Auburn Family, we feel as if we’ve reached this milestone.”


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