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Ring Night at Auburn University

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Friday commemorated Auburn University’s ring night celebration.

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Friday commemorated Auburn University’s ring night celebration.

Students with 75 or more credit hours and in good standing could choose to purchase a class ring. Held once a semester, ring night allows students to celebrate their time at Auburn and leave with a tangible reminder of their university.

Those who chose to purchase a ring arrived at Samford Lawn on Friday evening for the ceremony. 

First, students get their rings and line up for the official ceremony, then students participate in a long-lasting Auburn tradition. 

Grace Grogan, a junior at Auburn University, participated in ring night. 

"I felt so honored to take part in ring night and the traditions that take place," said Grogan. "It was so special to be able to celebrate alongside my friends and parents."

As a part of the ceremony, students touch their ring to the seal, which is said to preserve Auburn’s history and spirit but curse the ring. To relieve students of the curse, they then walk up the stairs of Langdon Hall to dunk the ring in a bowl of water from the president's fountain.  

"Now, I love wearing my Auburn ring everyday to motivate me academically and to connect me to the Auburn family," said Grogan.


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