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Package by Scott Key Wednesday 3/15 Auburn showed off its new Melton Student Center Game Room. Here is what all it has to offer.

New game room opens in the student center

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - On Thursday, students welcomed the new game room to the Melton Student Center.

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - On Thursday, students welcomed the new game room to the Melton Student Center.

On opening day, the game room welcomed over 900 students, with the room at full capacity all day.

The game room consists of an Xbox and a PC side. The Xbox side has hundreds of games that continue to change due to the demand. The game room also offers about 15 games not offered in Game Pass including Madden football games and multiple other sports games.

“It's like Netflix for games, where you can go on and we pay a subscription fee for every computer,” said Taylor Dyleski, assistant director of student affairs operations. “You can access all the games on there. There's a few 100 games on there all the time.”

The PC side of the game room allows students to log into their accounts and play any games pre-downloaded on the computers. The account is free to make and required for all PC game accounts.


The game room also offers traditional arcade games including Pac-Man, Galaga, Mortal Combat and many more. 

If students want to play multiplayer games, the room has a section dedicated to Xbox, PS Fives and Nintendo Switches. 

“It's like four people playing in their living room where you can sit down in front of one TV and play a four-player game,” said Dyleski.

Construction for the game room began in August 2021.

“It was probably about a year of design and figuring out what we wanted, and it was about six and a half months of actual construction boots on the ground,” said Dyleski.

The game room is open during the Melton Student Center’s normal hours. 


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