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Four Female Auburn Students Involved In Drugging Incident

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) – An AU Alert was issued Tuesday afternoon at 4:02 pm CDT to Auburn University students outlining the preliminary details of a possible on-campus drugging incident that occurred last Friday.

The four female Auburn students involved reported the possible drugging to Auburn Police that occurred in a rideshare bus parked in an Auburn campus parking lot. The local rideshare bus had provided mixed drinks to the passengers while transporting them to an off-campus event.

Auburn Campus Safety and Security received the report late yesterday from Auburn Police detailing the events from the four students who were affected and became sick after consuming the mixed drinks.

The AU Alert referenced one of the students affected by the alluded drug in its report and said that she “had two to three drinks including the mixed drink and experienced vomiting, numbness, confusion and memory loss.”

While a suspect has not been identified and there is no description of the suspect that has been released, Auburn police have continued to investigate this incident and the University has outlined various steps to take in the case of unintentionally consuming a drug.

If a person believes they have been drugged, Auburn University recommends that the person seek immediate medical attention by calling the proper authorities or having a trusted individual bring them to the East Alabama Medical Center or the Auburn University Medical Clinic if the incident occurs during daytime hours.

The act of giving someone a drug without their permission is a form of aggravated assault and considered a felony within the United States. This form of assault is the type of crime that can happen anywhere and to anyone.

For more information about Auburn University’s policies and resources concerning on-campus aggravated and sexual assault visit


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