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Auburn University’s Eagle Eye TV was nominated in January for the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Awards in seven different categories. By: Nicholas Wetzel

Eagle Eye TV's news team competes nationally against other student media organizations

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Auburn University’s Eagle Eye TV was nominated in January for the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Awards in seven different categories.  

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Auburn University’s Eagle Eye TV was nominated in January for the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Awards in seven different categories.  

Since 1940, the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System has dedicated its time and money to supporting high school and college student media groups across the United States. The organization’s efforts will culminate in its annual conference and award show, where student journalists are encouraged to attend and submit their work for the chance to win recognition and take home a first-place trophy. Auburn’s very own Eagle Eye TV is amongst the many hopeful college news teams in the running to win several prizes. 

Taking residence on the first floor of the Melton Student Center, Eagle Eye TV is a student run news station that has operated on the Plains for the last 30 years. Consisting of a news team, a sports team, a creative team and a marketing team, the staff of Eagle Eye works day to day to produce quality content, airing three shows a week. 

Braden Haynes is amongst Eagle Eye’s many devoted staff members. Serving as station manager for the last two years, Haynes was responsible for submitting the organization’s work to the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System for recognition. 

“They are really radio focused, so our friends at WEGL enter them every year,” said Haynes. “They have some TV categories, so I entered us into anything I thought we might have a chance at, and we got nominated for some things.” 

The channel’s nominations consist of Best TV Station, Best Website, Best Sports Program (Sports Night in Auburn), Best News Report (Heyday Market Package), Best Social Media Director (Taylor Brown), Best TV Faculty Advisor (Billy Ferris) and Best Station Manager (Braden Haynes). 

A nominee for Best News Report with her story on Auburn’s Heyday Market, news producer and reporter Jakai Spikes attributed her nomination to Eagle Eye TV itself, hoping that her nomination will inspire people to have greater trust and respect for journalists and the services that they provide. 

“It just means so much. I can’t even put it all into words,” said Spikes. “Eagle Eye has told us and constantly taught us to tell the truth, and us being nominated for one of the best news reports really reiterates that we want to help inspire people to know the truth of what is happening in their community.” 

In addition to being nominated, Spikes was also selected to attend the three-day Intercollegiate Broadcasting System New York City 2023 Conference to view the award ceremony firsthand, attend lectures and receive guidance from industry professionals.  

“It feels amazing to be able to attend conferences with those who are in the spots that I have always dreamed of being in,” said Spikes. “I’m going to come back here and tell everybody all that I have learned.” 

The winners from all 98 college award categories will be announced at the conference on February 25th at the Sheraton Times Square. Results will be posted online the following day. 

For more information, check out the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s website,, and Eagle Eye TV’s website,


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