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Vincent Indovina's Platform to become your 2023 SGA Treasurer.

SGA Elections 2023: Treasurer Candidate: Vincent Indovina

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) -SGA Elections 2023: Treasurer Candidate: Vincent Indovina

Indovina's platform transcript: "When I invest in something, I invest in things I care about and things I want to see succeed. That's what I want to do for you, that's what I want to do for Auburn. My name is Vincent Indovina and I want to invest in you as the next SGA Treasurer. I want to work for you to help with your financial needs. College isn't easy and when you add financial stress into the mix it certainly doesn't help. That's why my platform, Invest In Indovina, is centered around you and making life a little bit easier. As Treasurer, I plan to Invest in Affordability, Accessibility, and
Auburn. I’m going to push policies that make your time at Auburn more affordable. I am going to be accessible to you and your financial needs and together, we will fight for solutions. And I am going to work for a better Auburn for everyone. On February 3rd, I hope you'll invest in me, Vincent Indovina, for SGA Treasurer. Thank you"


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