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Jacob Saavedra's Platform to become your 2023 SGA Treasurer.

SGA Elections 2023: Treasurer Candidate: Jacob Saavedra

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - SGA Elections 2023: Treasurer Candidate: Jacob Saavedra

Saavedra's platform transcript: "Hello Everyone! My name is Jacob Saavedra and I am here to talk to you today about my platform, “Saving with Saavedra.” I am running for treasurer because I have a passion for personal finance. I think that all students deserve the same opportunity to expand their knowledge on financial literacy and that knowledge is vital in succeeding after college. Coming from Fresno, California with a Hispanic background, I know that not everyone is taught about personal finance, which puts many students at a disadvantage. I aim to change this standard by providing financial training and by making Quizlet+ accessible to all students. Furthermore with the rest of my platform I look to expand the tiger card and look to getting more businesses like whataburger and Irritable Bao. Thank you for your time and war eagle!"