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JD Jones's Platform to become your 2023 SGA President.

SGA Elections 2023: Presidential Candidate: J.D Jones

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - SGA Presidential Candidate: J.D Jones

Jones' platform transcript:

"War Eagle! My name is JD Jones and I have the unique privilege to be running for SGA President. Our platform surrounds our slogan “Just Be with JD,” where we are Just Beginning, Just Belonging, and Just Believing. We are focused on serving the Auburn family both new and old by achieving new heights for the Auburn student experience. I know that both my time on The Plains and as a prospective student has prepared me to serve you through tireless work. As stated in our platform, our journey begins with your trust, and if elected, my service to Auburn belongs to each of you. Together, I believe we can make a difference in the future of the Auburn experience. I ask that you “Just Be with JD” as we aim for further achievement. Thank you and War Eagle!"