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Cameron Stephen's Platform to become your 2023 Miss Auburn.

SGA Elections 2023: Miss Auburn Candidate: Cameron Stephens

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) -SGA Elections 2023: Miss Auburn Candidate: Cameron Stephens

Stephens' platform transcript: "War Eagle! My name is Cameron Stephens, and I have the honor and privilege of being
one of your Miss Auburn candidates this year! “Catch Up with Cameron” is a platform centered around three points: connect, compensate, and cope, in which I will fight for equal academic opportunity on Auburn’s campus. Often, we assume that because a student is at Auburn, that must mean that he or she is fully prepared with all the resources to succeed. This is untrue in terms of both academics and finances. As a working college student from a 3A high school, I can attest that I was not well-prepared to enter the college realm, nor did I have an abundance of
financial support. Expanding the first-year experience, offering cheaper study material options on
campus, and making sure working college students are accommodated are all crucial aspects of
my campaign. The Auburn name is sacred, and every student that comes through this University
should leave knowing that there was nothing else Auburn could have done better to prepare them
for their future career."


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