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Dr. Jay Gogue

Dr. Jay Gogue

President Gouge Sends Email to Prevent Asian Hate on Auburn's Campus

Auburn, AL (EETV)- President Jay Gouge sent a letter in support of preventing Asian hate on Auburn's campus. This comes after recent events where Asians have been harrassed for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Gouge said, "It has been a week since the murders of eight people in Atlanta where six of the victims were Asian women. It has been a year since Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have been unfairly condemned for COVID-19. Since last March, there have been nearly 3,800 reports of hate incidents against the Asian American community.

 Hatred, intolerance and violence against the Asian community is unacceptable. As a land grant institution, Auburn University draws its strength from a wide range of individuals with varying backgrounds, perspectives, viewpoints and experiences.

 We must work to better understand one another, to respect our differences and to value each person’s individual human dignity. This approach mirrors the reference to the human touch in the Auburn Creed and reflects the love for Auburn by so many different individuals.

 Please remember that silence is not acceptable. When we see something wrong, we must speak up. I urge you to file a Bias Incident Report Form if you are a target of bias, intimidation or a hostile incident or are a witness to such an incident. Reports may be filed anonymously."