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Alabama Ramps Up Vaccination Process Statewide

(EETV)- The state of Alabama has increased the COVID-19 vaccination process throughout the state. After having just 15 locations available across the state for vaccinations, there are now over 355 locations for citizens to get vaccinated.

Locations across the state have been getting doses of of the vaccine, but have exhausted the avaliable amount for February. According to state officials, there have been over 900 locations approved to start vaccinating patients.

Wal-Mart's across the state are also helping by allowing patients to get vaccinated in their stores. This will help those who live in small conuties have access to the vaccine. Hadley Goodwin, the director of of Wal-Mart's Health and Wellness commented on the "You have some people in our rural counties and rural towns that Walmart is their only access to be able to get this vaccine."

Alabama is hopeful to continue the process to make sure that all citizens have the opportunity to get the vaccine.