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Dr. Jay Gogue

Dr. Jay Gogue

Auburn University to Reopen in Fall

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- "We are going to open classes this fall."

This statement was made by Auburn President, Dr. Jay Gogue, in a video sent out to the incoming freshman.

"No one knows for sure all the details of what will happen in the future, but I do know a few things that are going to happen at Auburn University," Gogue said. "We are going open classes this fall. We are going to have fraternity and sorority activities. We are gonna have the more than 500 club activities that will be underway with student participation and leadership."

Dr. Gogue's message comes a few days after Governor Kay Ivey institutes the amended Safer at Home order, which will slowly reopen business across the state of Alabama.

Other activities that will be returning include Freshman Convocation, Pizza and Popsicles with the President and football.