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Residents in the Village are enjoying a new unofficial eatery.

Village residents are enjoying a new unofficial eatery

AUBURN, Ala (EETV) - To celebrate valentines day, a group of students in Eagle Resident Hall decided to make a restaurant in their dorm lobby. Attendees enjoyed a three course meal, cooked by fellow students in the Eagle Hall kitchen, including garlic bread, spaghetti carbonara, and tiramisu.

Neil Hudson and Elliot Deep began the restaurant when they sat in the elevator of Eagle Hall and handed out food. In an interview with Eagle Eye, Neil Hudson said the inspiration for his restaurant, the Eatery, came from “one day I had too much food that I cooked and so I set up a table in the elevator and gave out food for free.”

After seeing the positive responses from other students in his dorm, Neil and Elliot pitched their restaurant idea to their RA and Resident advisor. The Eagle Eatery was placed on Google Maps and according to Elliot “it has turned into a little tradition, [where they] put on events and basically cook for people and share food.” 

Bailey Thomas, the Eagle Hall RA, said that he had an “active role [in the Eatery because] residents love it when their RA’s take something that they like and latch onto the idea.” 

Now, Eagle residence hall hosts special events for residents to enjoy cooked meals out of their own dorm kitchen.