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Xavier Kimbrell, candidate for SGA Vice President
Xavier Kimbrell, candidate for SGA Vice President

Meet the Candidate: Xavier Kimbrell

Auburn, Ala. (EETV)- Xavier Kimbrell is a third-year Biochemistry major running to be Student Government's Vice President. Kimbrell is involved with on-campus organizations in positions such as an Assistant Vice President of Finance for SGA, a Director of Academic Affairs Projects for SGA, a Camp War Eagle Parent Counselor, an Emerge Spark Executive Officer, and a COSAM Leader.

Kimbrell’s campaign is centered around his platform “Exceed with Xavier '', focusing on helping students succeed in several aspects.

“If elected SGA Vice President, I will humbly listen to and relentlessly advocate for every individual student. I will lead the Student Senate, building on the foundation laid by previous SGA administrations and exceeding what is expected of SGA. Moreover, I commit myself to accurately amplifying the student voice through three main goals.”