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Caroline Willoughby, candidate for SGA Treasurer

Meet the Candidate: Caroline Willoughby

Auburn, Ala. (EETV)- Caroline Willoughby is currently a third-year accounting major in the running for Student Government Treasurer. Willoughby has been involved on campus through positions such as an SGA college of business senator, an SGA lobby board member, an SGA Director of City relations, a Congressional Appropriations Intern, and a Public Accounting Intern.

Willoughby describes her main goal as to serve students with her platform being “Wagger on Willoughby”. She intends to accomplish this by supporting students in both on and off-campus financial investments.

“ I have a vision of Auburn where students feel secure in their personal finances and informed about how their tuition money is being used. My platform aims to accomplish both of those goals, to work with the City of Auburn to increase discounts and savings available to students, to my plan to make it easier for students to understand the budgeting process. “