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Auburn's BIG event

AUBURN, Ala. -- On March 23, 2019 Auburn will hold The BIG Event, an annual day of service.

Since 2003, students have used this day as a way of saying thank you to Auburn for being a great community to live in.  

The BIG Event kicks off at 8:00 am on the campus green. Students will then spread out across the Auburn and Opelika Communities to perform community service tasks for households, businesses, churches and other organizations. 

Sophomore Emily Ennis will be a Project Coordinator (PC) for the second year in a row this year. 

“The BIG Event is our way of giving back to the Auburn Community. I am so excited to be a PC again this year because we get the opportunity to interact more directly with the homeowners as well as the volunteers," said Ennis.

The first 1,000 people at kickoff will receive a free T-shirt. Waffle House and Chic Fil A breakfast will be provided for volunteers.

To register, students can visit


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