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Man arrested on 1/24/19 outside the Auburn University Student Center.

Lee County District Attorney contradicts Auburn Campus Safety's late report on Thursday morning's campus arrest

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- In a statement released Thursday afternoon, Lee County District Attorney Brandon Hughes appeared to contradict reports released by Auburn University's Department of Campus Safety and Security regarding a high profile arrest Thursday morning by the Auburn University Student Center. 

"One thing you probably won’t hear discussed about the arrest on Auburn’s campus today is the incredible restraint shown by the APD officer," wrote Hughes on Facebook. "His charging a police officer could have resulted in a much worse ending including being shot."

Auburn Campus Safety and Security failed to alert the entire campus community of the arrest until over six hours after the incident. In their email regarding the arrest, Campus Safety and Security claimed, "there was no danger to the campus community."

Multiple students and university employees criticized the department for their slow response and for not releasing an AU Alert safety notification at the time of the incident. 

In an earlier statement to Eagle Eye TV, Campus Safety and Security spokesperson Brooke Bailey wrote: "It is standard operating procedure to issue an AU ALERT upon confirmation by the City of Auburn Public Safety Department that a significant emergency or dangerous situation poses an immediate threat to the Auburn University campus community.  Officers on the scene did not perceive there to be a danger to the campus community and resolved the situation in a matter of several minutes."  

Eagle Eye TV will continue to monitor this story.


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