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This week on Eagle Eye News at 6, the latest on the midterm elections. Plus, a look at construction around campus.

Alabama residents voting in upcoming midterm elections on Tuesday, Nov. 6

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - The upcoming midterm election is Tuesday, Nov. 6.

Several seats in Alabama are up for election including governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, Alabama chief justice and secretary of state.

The governor race is gaining the most attention on the election ballot. Incumbent Republican Gov. Kay Ivey runs for her first full term after taking over for former Gov. Robert Bentley.

Walt Maddox, the current Tuscaloosa mayor, is the Democratic candidate.

Both spoke with Eagle Eye TV about their run for governor.

“One of the biggest things I needed to do was reestablish a working relationship with those in the legislature with the executive branch that had gone lacking for quite some time. So I certainly did that at the outset.”

“I think we need a mayor who understands how to make everything work, and do it in an honest, ethical fashion” said Maddox.

Lee County residents will also be voting for U.S. representative.

The hotly contested race is between incumbent Republican Mike Rogers and Democrat former Miss America, Mallory Hagan.

Both candidates spoke with Eagle Eye prior to Tuesday’s election.

“We’re going in the right direction economically, militarily, and otherwise, don’t mess up a good thing” said Rogers.

“I started looking at where we are in our country, and I feel like we’re at a bit of a turning point, and I wanted to be a part of that conversation…” said Hagan.

Voters will also choose between Republican incumbent John Merrill and Democratic candidate Heather Milam for Secretary of State.

“We concentrated on those three areas because those are the three areas our offices would most directly impact lives of Alabamians on a daily basis” said Merrill.

“Also being a lifelong Alabamian, I care deeply about my state, in fact, I jokingly sometimes say I am madly in love with this state, but I truly am, and I want her to be the best she can be” said Milam.

House seat 79 is up for reelection. House seat 79 represents the Auburn area. Republican incumbent Joe Lovvern won the seat in the 2016 special election following the conviction of former Representative Mike Hubbard.

The democratic nominee is Mary Wynne King.

“I’ve tried to focus on healing within our district,” said Lovvorn.

“Too many people in this district feel like their voice isn’t being represented, and I’m here to represent those voices.”

Voters will also decide on several amendments.

Amendment One would allow the Ten Commandments to be displayed on state and public school property.

Amendment Two would not prohibit abortion. The state would support the rights of unborn children while it would eliminate state funds for abortion.

Eagle Eye TV will cover the midterm elections on Tuesday, Nov. 6, in a midterm election show. 


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