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Auburn City Council votes to increase height limits in downtown.

Downtown height approved to 75 feet, design now issue at hand

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - The Auburn City Council approved the downtown height proposal from 65 to 75 feet at Tuesday’s meeting.

The meeting was attended by a host of the Auburn community representing a diversified people.

Mayor Bill Ham opened the meeting by addressing the proposed height increase in downtown Auburn and offered a new angle to the 75 feet proposal saying maybe height is not the biggest issue, but design.

Ham said that the 75 foot downtown height approval would be accompanied by a “task force.” The task force would be made up of a small panel of people who the community of Auburn would be made aware of. Their job would be to offer perspective and advice that would ensure that the aesthetic and small town feel is kept within these now taller buildings.

Citizens both for and against the building height proposal could agree that Auburn is changing.

Those in favor of the downtown Auburn height increase focused on looking at the big picture, saying that Auburn is ready and needs to take this next step in growing economically not just aesthetically.

Those opposed to the downtown Auburn height increase focused on the community of Auburn that is reflected in these historic buildings and feel that with a change of height comes a change of community.

“People sized places encourage people to be more human,” said one Auburn resident.

Upon approving the 75 foot increase, Ham said he was not surprised by the well received response to the proposed task force.

“The thing to remember is it will be an advisory scenario. So can it be helpful? I think so."

Ham said people of Auburn would be more content knowing that the builders were getting direct input from those who are qualified in the field.

“I thought in the formulation of the last few days with the credibility of the individuals who are involved, I couldn’t imagine people being negative about that… I really do think the end result will be really positive.” 


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