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Parking and height restrictions discussed at final SGA Town Hall

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- Parking and the downtown height ordinance were two major topics of discussion at the Auburn University Student Government Association Town Hall event Tuesday.

Tuesday's event featured leaders from the City of Auburn, including Auburn Mayor Bill Ham, Auburn City Manager Jim Buston and several members of the Auburn City Council. Leaders discussed a wide array of topics including parking and recent debates regarding potential changes to height restrictions on new downtown buildings.

Leaders discussed some of the challenges facing parking, especially since many University students are known to park downtown to go to classes.

"When Auburn [University] decided to become a pedestrian campus, which I have nothing negative to say about other than it caused the parking problem," said Ham.

Ward 3 council member Beth Witten reminded students of the importance of using Tiger Transit and how the City has invested funds into making sure local infrastructure is compatible to the transit buses.

"The City puts a lot of resources and money into providing safe ways for Tiger Transit to move around the City," said Witten, "and so I think capitalizing and utilizing a resource that our own residents who aren't students on the University can't use and would love to use to get around town, students have that luxury."

Auburn City leaders also discussed the hotly debated issue of building height limits in downtown Auburn, something the Council spend several hours on at their last meeting. 

"The reason downtown is kind of an impetus for a lot of conversation is because it is uniquely small in footprint," said Witten.

Leaders also discussed their backgrounds and encouraged students to reach out to them regarding community related concerns they might have.