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Andrew Card gave a lecture about leadership at Auburn University talking about his time as Chief of Staff for George W. Bush.

Former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card talks leadership at Harbert College of Business Event

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Andrew Card, White House chief of staff for President George W. Bush, spoke at Auburn University Wednesday.

"My grandmother said the most important word of the constitution is the very first word...we," said Card. Card discussed how he believes people should be very involved in their national democracy and government.

Card also discussed his life story, gradually building up to his start at the White House under President Ronald Reagan. 

Card also explained a story about having to sit in bed with President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara as they asked him to watch out for their son. A few days later Card was officially asked to become George W. Bush's first chief of staff. 

Additionally, Card explained the role of a White House chief of staff as caring for the president, and praised how George W. Bush handled the 9/11 news, saying "it was remarkable leadership."