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Student Ticket Policy Graphic

New Student Ticket Policy Graphic

Students to vote on changes to football ticketing process

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - The SGA Senate will be voting tonight on a measure that could allow students to vote on a new ticket policy. The portion of the policy in question is the section dealing with postseason ticket distribution.

The Auburn Student Government Association and the Auburn Athletics Ticket Office are looking to add a referendum to the spring ballot to allow students to vote on three different distribution methods for postseason tickets 

Options to pick from would be:

  • Random lottery - Tickets will be randomly distributed to students who enter the lottery.
  • Credit hour priority - Priority ticket distribution will be given to students who have the highest number of Auburn University credit hours.
  • Loyalty based priority - Priority ticket distribution will be given to students who have the least number of penalty points for the current football season.
  • Credit Hour & Loyalty Based Priority – This system would combine Credit Hour and Loyalty Based Priority. Priority would be given to those with the highest number of Auburn University credit hours, pending the number of Penalty Points collected during the current football season (lowest number of Penalty Points providing higher priority). 

This vote comes one year after SGA implemented a new ticketing policy that introduced penalty points for missed games and the inability to sell student tickets.

The potential referendum will be brought before the Senate tonight. A vote on whether or not to allow the referendum on the spring ballot is likely to come tonight or at the next senate meeting next Monday. 

The referendum would be part of the ballot for the 2018 General Spring Elections held on February 6. The ballot will also include elections for Miss Auburn, major SGA positions of President, Vice President and Treasurer and minor SGA positions of School’s Council Presidents and Vice Presidents, At-Large Senators and College Senators.

Tonight's SGA Senate meeting will be streamed live on


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