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Uber will now be accepting Tiger Club as payment for rides.​

Uber will now be accepting Tiger Club as payment for rides.

Auburn students given more ways to pay for Uber

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - Auburn University has partnered with Uber to allow students to pay for rides with their Tiger Club accounts. 

Tiger Club is not part of the required Tiger Card dining plans that every student has. Tiger Club is a sort of debit card that allows students to deposit funds on their cards to use at a variety of off-campus restaurants, grocery stores, and other local services. 

Uber was introduced on campus last year 

CBORD, the company that runs software for Tiger Cards, suggested the partnership to Auburn Auxiliary Services to give Auburn students a few more options when trying to get around Auburn.

Auxiliary Services is open to adding other transportation companies to the list of approved Tiger Club vendors, saying that Uber is not a company they preference over others such as Tiger Taxi and Lyft.

Tiger Club payment for Uber will not just be available within Auburn. Once the card is set up within the Uber app, it can be used worldwide as payment.