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Facilities Management Construction Map

The facilities management construction map displays the full list of Summer 2017 Projects. 

Auburn construction continues into the summer semester

AUBURN, ALA (EETV)- Auburn University Facilities Management recently published their 2017 summer project map which highlights 116 projects that will either begin or be completed within the summer semester. 

These projects include minor repairs, major renovations, and new facilities. There are 53 critical projects which must see fruition in order to meet academic milestones for Fall 2017. These critical projects include the Mell classrooms and the new School of Nursing facility.

The President's home will also be under renovation and expansion in preparation for President Leath. 

The mass construction will affect the operation of both certain roads and parking lots on campus. 

Listed are the current dates of affected regions listed on Auburn University's road closure calendar:

4/3/17-6/2/17 There will be a lane closure on South Donahue Drive that will occur after the Lem Morrison intersection

5/6/17- 5/18/2017 RBD Service Drive and Loading Dock will be closed completely