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SGA President Jacqueline Keck

SGA President Jacqueline Keck

SGA President Responds to Richard Spencer on Campus

AUBURN, ALA (EETV)-  Auburn University's Student Government Association President Jacqueline Keck responded Monday about controversial alt-right thinker Richard Spencer's visit to campus last week.

Spencer, a self proclaimed neo-nazi, met with protesters when he came to speak at Auburn's Foy Auditorium on Tuesday, April 18th. Three people, none of which were Auburn students, were arrested, but there were no major violent incidents.

Keck's statement:

"As came and went, we as a student body stood united - I can't think of any better way to respond. I am proud to be a part of a group of people who's actions reflect the common belief we all share, the Auburn Creed. In addition to that I want to thank all of the people who were proactive in promoting peace and unity. It was your efforts and the efforts of so many that allowed us to be stand strong and represent our university well." 


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