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Jesse Westerhouse

Jesse Westerhouse responds to Richard Spencer media coverage

AUBURN, ALA (EETV)- Auburn University's Student Government Association Former President Jesse Westerhouse responded Monday about controversial alt-right thinker Richard Spencer's visit to campus last week.

Spencer, a self proclaimed neo-nazi, met with protesters when he came to speak at Auburn's Foy Auditorium on Tuesday, April 18th. Three people, none of which were Auburn students, were arrested, but there were no major violent incidents.

Westerhouse's statement:

"I was encouraged by the way that Auburn students of all backgrounds handled the events on Tuesday. Auburn students continually reinforce that they are willing to listen to each other, and hear each other out, but draw the line between free speech and hate speech. The student’s who peacefully protested the event set an example for the entire country on how to do so.

It was frustrating to read headlines morning, specifically the Washington Post, that painted events as violent and out of control. That could not be farther from the truth. National media outlets like the Washington Post have a responsibility to report accurately to inform readers. They did not do so in this instance"


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