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Campaign violations submitted against three Miss Homecoming campaigns

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- Multiple campaign violations were turned into the Auburn University Student Government Association Elections Board in connection to three Miss Homecoming candidates.

Violations were turned in agains Sadie Argo, Maddy Hickman and Tracy Moore's campaigns.

Four violations were turned in against Sadie Argo's campaign: one accusing members of the campaign of campaigning for votes off campus, one accusing the campaign of offering incentives for voting, one in connection to a non-Auburn student sending out an endorsement email and one accusing a campaign volunteer of giving out a cell phone to a student to vote.

Argo's campaign was found to not be in violation of all charges except for the one associated with the non Auburn student endorsement email for which she lost 53 votes.

One violation was submitted against the campaign of Tracy Moore accusing the campaign of sending out a voting email/campaigning in a GroupMe before 7:00 am on voting day. The violation was rescinded by the accusing party before the Elections Board could hear it.

One violation was also submitted against the campaign of Maddy Hickman in connection to an alleged message saying "Vote for Maddy" written on a classroom whiteboard. The violation was rescinded by the accusing party before the Elections Board could hear it.