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Meet Alabama's Democratic candidates for Governor

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- Alabama’s gubernatorial primary election is just a little over a week away, and the Democratic field is very large with six candidates competing for the nomination.

Walt Maddox is the current mayor of Tuscaloosa, having served in that position since 2005. During Maddox’s tenure as mayor, he has worked on economic development projects and had to lead the clean up efforts following the massive 2011 tornado outbreak that hit his city. Maddox’s campaign platform has been coined a “New Covenant” and focus on issues such as infrastructure, workforce development and an education lottery. Maddox has received the endorsement of the Alabama Democratic Conference, seen as one of the state’s most influential Democratic organizations.

Sue Bell Cobb is the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, a position she held from 2007-2011. Cobb was the first woman to hold the positions and one of the last state wide elected Democrats in Alabama when she resigned from the position in 2011. During Cobb’s time as Chief Justice, she worked to increase electronic court fillings and add more model drug courts. Following her resignation from the position, Cobb became an outspoken opponent to judicial elections. Cobb’s campaign has focused on issues such as clean drinking water, public safety and career tech programs for high school students.

James Fields is a former state representative from Cullman. Fields held the position from 2008-2010. Prior to serving in the legislature, Fields worked 28 yeas for the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations. Fields’ campaign motto is “Moving Alabama Forward” and he has focused on healthcare, wages and reforms to the Alabama corrections system. This is not Fields’ first run for statewide office, he was the 2014 Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor, a race he eventually lost to current Gov. Kay Ivey.

Chris Countryman is an activist from the Dothan area. Countryman has never held office before. Countryman’s campaign slogan is “It’s Time to Rethink Alabama” and many of his campaign platform points focus on climate change, minimum wage increase, ethics reforms and medicaid expansion. Countryman has also included a plan to create five recycling centers, which he says will create 6,000 jobs. If elected, Countryman would be the first openly gay governor of Alabama.

Doug “New Blue” Smith is a businessman from the Montgomery area. Smith has never held elected office before, but has been an active member of several civic organizations in the Montgomery area. Smith is known for his “Make Alabama Great Again” hats that are modeled after President Donald Trump’s signature “Make America Great Again” hats. Smith has discussed the state’s loss of federal funds over several different administrations. If elected, Smith, being 78, would be Alabama’s oldest serving governor.

Anthony White is an Army veteran, ordained minister and small business owner from the Dothan area. White has never served in elected office before. White has tried to paint himself as being open, even placing his personal phone number prominently on his campaign website. White’s campaign platform includes support for a statewide lottery, wanting to work with businesses to create jobs and encouraging citizens to pray more often.