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Open Safe

UPDATE: Auburn Alumnus Opens Safe Found in Floor of His Home

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - On January 12, 2018, Auburn University alumnus Matt Richardson discovered a 1950s safe in the floor while remodeling his bathroom.

Richardson was originally under the impression that the safe was from the 1960s, but later clarified that it dates back to the 1950s. Richardson shared with Eagle Eye that he was planning to open the safe. He hoped to find gold or silver coins, an old gun, or original paper stock.

Richardson opened the safe, but unfortunately, there was nothing inside. He tweeted, “It took us about an hour to cut it open. The 1950’s floor safe was unfortunately empty. However, finding the safe under an old rod-iron tub was a find in and of itself (@MATTBRICHARDSON).”