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Softball Scandal

Auburn releases new statement regarding the Auburn Softball scandal

Auburn, Ala. (EETV) - On Saturday afternoon, ESPN W released a bombshell story alleging accusations of abuse and sexual harassment inside the Auburn Softball program.

Later that evening EETV released an exclusive story from another Auburn Softball player who gave a detailed account of what players were put through following the alleged inappropriate relationship.

When we published our story, a statement was given by Auburn University. The following statement is an updated version sent to us early Monday morning:

"ESPN has written an important story about our softball team. It's a serious matter. As a university that cares deeply about our student-athletes, we have taken this seriously since the first concerns were raised.
An investigation was promptly launched when allegations were made. While we don’t by policy or law comment on personnel issues or issues related to students, any suggestion that Auburn Athletics or university administration didn’t take it seriously or didn't act in the best interest of student-athletes is simply false.
While the law requires us to protect the privacy of our students, tying our hands about what can be said publicly, there is a reason changes took place with the coaching staff. As much as we may want to give more details, we have been approached by some of the student-athletes involved, directly asking us to protect them because they don't want their names made public.
Once the facts were established, changes to the staff quickly followed. Honoring the student-athletes requests for privacy while taking necessary disciplinary action is not an easy line to walk when the media asks legitimate questions, but we did the right things at the right time for the right reasons.
At all times, Auburn University will protect its students, obey privacy laws, and deal with anyone on staff who violates our high standards."